Dumpster Rentals- Roofing

Palmetto Dumpsters understands the importance of having a portable dumpster when installing or removing roofing shingles on a house. Roofing shingles and boards can take up a lot of time cleaning after a roofing job is completed. This is why you need a dumpster. Our dumpster are capable of handling all materials used for roofing jobs such as shingles, nails, boards, and tarps.

Why You Need A Roofing Dumpster

Dumpsters can be a tremendous asset when when installing or removing a roof on a house or business. We have noticed that many roofers will lay out a large tarp under a roof and just throw shingles and debris off the roof and hope it lands on the tarp. This seems to be somewhat efficient but there is always some shingles or debris left over and you still have to clean the shingles off of the tarp. With a dumpster, no time is wasted cleaning around the tarp and hauling the tarp to a landfill. Palmetto Dumpsters is proud to help all roofers create a cleaner and safer work site that will save more time and money than the traditional way of cleaning a job site.

roof shingles in dumpster